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Créer un thème global : Packager vos Design tokens

Exemples de librairies UI

Les système de theme dans les librairies UI.

Fluent UI React
Fluent UI React Components is a set of UI components and utilities resulting from an effort to converge the set of React based component libraries in production today: @fluentui/react and @fluentui/react-northstar.
Fluent UI React favicon—page
Fluent UI React
Customize Theme
How to modify Chakra UI's default theme
Customize Theme favicon
Customize Theme
Default theme viewer - Material UI
This tree view allows you to explore how the theme object looks like with the default values.
Default theme viewer - Material UI favicon
Default theme viewer - Material UI
daisyUI themes — Tailwind CSS Components ( version 4 update is here )
How to use daisyUI themes?
daisyUI themes — Tailwind CSS Components ( version 4 update is here ) favicon
daisyUI themes — Tailwind CSS Components ( version 4 update is here )

N.B. Vos besoins ne sont pas les mêmes que celles des librairies UI, donc gardez en ligne de mire que ce dont vous avez besoins.

Structure de theme

Exemples de la structure de fichier de definition d’un theme visuel.


Le schema de la structure des themes du moteur de blog Wordpress.

Theme.json Version 3 Reference (latest) – Block Editor Handbook |
This is the living specification for version 3 of theme.json. This version works with WordPress 6.6 or later, and the latest Gutenberg plugin.
Theme.json Version 3 Reference (latest) – Block Editor Handbook | favicon
Theme.json Version 3 Reference (latest) – Block Editor Handbook |

System UI

La specification d’un theme par System UI.

GitHub - system-ui/theme-specification: A specification for defining theme objects & design tokens for use with UI components
A specification for defining theme objects & design tokens for use with UI components - system-ui/theme-specification
GitHub - system-ui/theme-specification: A specification for defining theme objects & design tokens for use with UI components favicon
GitHub - system-ui/theme-specification: A specification for defining theme objects & design tokens for use with UI components

Theme API

Les themes de Design Tokens exposé via une API.

Inside Design Tokens: Theming
Theming in Design Systems is a de-facto standard way to exchange the look-and-feel of your product. There is a high divergence of what is a theme? What does it consist of? Which constraints exists when building a theme? When and what to use a theme for?
Inside Design Tokens: Theming favicon